Friday, August 25, 2006

In the beginning there was Eru, who was forced into existence without any say in the matter. Some might take serious offence to something like that. Mercilessly brought onto this miserable planet with nothing but a name - and TWO at that! As the sun came up one winter morning, light shone all over the city of New Delhi; bringing with it the indignant cries of a new-born, wailing his woes from the moment he initiated contact with mankind - a month early at that. Born a few days before the Big One (Up there Somewhere, I'm told), he decided to make an early impact on the world..

..yeah.. and so the first time his father picked him up, Eru returned the display of affection by promptly relieving himself over his father's face. It is called preserving one's dignity.. One must do it, now and again.

and so it began..


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