Friday, August 25, 2006

In the beginning there was Eru, who was forced into existence without any say in the matter. Some might take serious offence to something like that. Mercilessly brought onto this miserable planet with nothing but a name - and TWO at that! As the sun came up one winter morning, light shone all over the city of New Delhi; bringing with it the indignant cries of a new-born, wailing his woes from the moment he initiated contact with mankind - a month early at that. Born a few days before the Big One (Up there Somewhere, I'm told), he decided to make an early impact on the world..

..yeah.. and so the first time his father picked him up, Eru returned the display of affection by promptly relieving himself over his father's face. It is called preserving one's dignity.. One must do it, now and again.

and so it began..

Friday, August 18, 2006

moving on.. (what else does one ever bloody do??!).. WHY is it that such an ancient race, wise, proud, resilient, strong and intellectual (um.. that would be the ppl of my country, as I've been told) has succumbed to the vile influences of the 'the Greatest Wonder of the World', the West??!! CALL freaking CENTERS?! Bah! I spit on thee, vile foe!! I piddle on thee, oh and ya.. I worketh with one of thee.. Sheer contempt I feel for all around me in the same field. Lesser mortals.. Godforsaken humans.. And for myself.. disgust..complete and absolute (For the record, this is NOT, I repeat, NOT a self pity trip!!)
here we are, feeling all important and all-knowing, and intellectual. We feel like we're making a difference, and growing as people. and all we're doing is screwing one generation of indians by getting them to work as bloody Customer Care Reps for various MNCs. Sickening.. One entire generation of perfectly able minds who'll never aspire to be anything more than agents whose sole role in life is to say, "thank you for calling I**, I am your personal servant, for the next ten minutes. How may I assist your royal FAT A** today? Let me tell you at the beginning of the call that you are God, and have the right to say WHATEVER you want, HOWEVER you want, and WHENEVER you want. You have the right to rave, rant and abuse. Nothing you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. Primarily because, like I may have mentioned earlier, I AM your personal servant.. "